SOCK ANGELS Are asking for new sock donations to gift local shelters socks .

“Spreading FAITH, HOPE, and LOVE
through FRIENDSHIP, UNITY, and CHRISTIAN CHARITY IN OUR LOCAL COMMUNITIES ( homeless socks nonprofit since November 7, 1909.”
Peter Claver, (Spanish: Pedro Claver y Corberó, Catalan: Pere Claver i Corberó) (26 June 1580 – 8 September 1654) was a Spanish Jesuit priest and missionary born in Verdú (Catalonia, Spain) who, due to his life and work, became the patron saint of slaves, the Republic of Colombia, and ministry to African Americans. During the 40 years of
Peter Claver, (Spanish: Pedro Claver y Corberó, Catalan: Pere Claver i Corberó) (26 June 1580 – 8 September 1654) was a Spanish Jesuit priest and missionary born in Verdú (Catalonia, Spain) who, due to his life and work, became the patron saint of slaves, the Republic of Colombia, and ministry to African Americans. During the 40 years of his ministry in the New Kingdom of Granada, it is estimated he personally baptized around 300,000 people (in groups of 10) and heard the confessions of over 5,000 slaves per year. He is also patron saint for seafarers. He is considered a heroic example of what should be the Christian praxis of love and of the exercise of human rights.[2] The Congress of the Republic of Colombia declared September 9 as the Human Rights national Day in his honor. ( homeless socks nonprofit
The Knights and Ladies Auxiliary of Peter Claver - Central Committee will be introducing
“ Sock Angel's ”
A new campaign who's goal is to donate new socks to the local needy.
The committee is working hand an hand with local parishes to place a donation box in vestibule area.(nonprofit homeless )
Your support and contributions will enable us to meet our goals and improve conditions. Your generous donation will help fund our mission. ( homeless socks nonprofit
CASH OR CHECKS MADE to St. Louis Central Committee
Mailing address
KPC LA Sock Angels
Sock Drive
1 Corrales Ct.
Florissant , Mo 63034
Sign up to get up dates or learn more about the Knights and Ladies of Peter Claver. New members are welcome and the Homeless need you. Please come join us!!
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